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PDO Syllabus 2021 – Download Free Karnataka Panchayat Raj PDO Details

Karnataka Panchayat Raj – PDO Syllabus 2021

Provided Written Examination Syllabus for who are prepare for Karnataka Panchayat Raj – PDO and GPS Grade 1 Posts. Download PDF file for PDO Syllabus 2021.

Paper – 1

General Knowledge
A. General knowledge of topics related to current events.
B. General Sciences.
C. Geography.
D. Social Science.
E. Indian society and its mobility.
F. Indian History.
G. Indian Constitution and Public Administration.
H Practical knowledge and mental capacity. (SSLC Level)
i. Social and Cultural History of Karnataka
J. Land reforms and social changes in Karnataka after independence.
K Karnataka’s economy: its strengths and weaknesses; Current status.
L. Rural Development, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Rural Cooperatives.
m The Role of Science and Technology for Effective Governance in Karnataka.
N. Environmental issues and development issues in Karnataka.
General English
A. English grammar,
B. Vocabulary,
C. spelling,
D. Synonyms,
E. Antonyms,
F. The power of understanding and comprehending English language and ability
Discrimination between right and wrong use,
General Kannada
A. Kannada grammar,
B. Vocabulary,
C. spelling,
D. Synonyms,
E. Antonyms,
F. The power of understanding and comprehending English language and ability
Discrimination between right and wrong use,
Paper – 2 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj knowledge
  1) Gram Panchayat Constitution: – Declaration of Panchayat Territory and Establishment of Gram Panchayats, Gram Panchayat Constitution Standing Committees, Method of Voting and Election, Administrator of village panchayats, voter list, appointment of corrupt Practices, resignation of members, mode of election of the session and Vice-President on Gram Panchayat establishment, office hours and Supervising and updating service conditions of Gram Panchayats Gram Panchayat meeting, quorum and procedure, resolutions, minutes,
Ward meeting, village meeting.

2) Functions, Duties and Powers of the Gram Panchayats, President and Vice President: – Functions of the Gram Panchayat, General Powers Village panchayats, standing committees, other committees, powers and duties Vice-President and Vice-President, Strength of Gram Panchayat for Roads, Regulation of construction of bridges, etc., shop license, transfer Institutions or functions, powers and duties to village panchayats Sources of water supply, salaries and allowances per session and Vice President.

3) Staff of Gram Panchayats: – Secretary, Personnel Model and Schedule Employees, Recruiting and Employee Control, Additional System Technical staff for village panchayats.

4) transition to a small urban area or transitional area and Composition: – Impact of the transition to a small urban area or suburb Regional Panchayat Area Panchayat and their powers, effect of merger of Panchayat area.

5) Taxes and Fees: – Taxes, rates and dues of Gram Panchayats Taxes and other dues, appraisal against appraisal etc., combination of taxes Factory areas.

6) Grants and Funds of Gram Panchayats: – Grants to Gram Panchayats, Discretionary grant, gram panchayat fund. Establishment Grant to Taluk Panchayats and District Panchayats.

7) Financial Control and Accounting: Presentation of Village Accounts and Budgets Panchayat, budget revision, audit of accounts, presentation of accounts And Taluk Panchayat Budget, Budget Revision, Accounts Audit, District Panchayat Accounting and Budget Presentation, Budget Revision, Accounts Audit.

8) Constitution of Taluk Panchayat: – Constitution of Taluk Panchayat, Meetings The functions of the Taluk Panchayat, the Taluk Panchayat, the general powers of the Taluk Panchayat, taluk panchayat fund, powers and duties and Deputy Chairman of the Taluk Panchayat, Standing Committees, Executive Officer, The powers and duties of the Executive Officer, and of the Officers and Officers, The right of the executive officer to the right of documents, etc.

9) Constitution of the District Panchayat: – Constitution of the District Panchayat, Meetings District panchayat, district panchayat functions, district general powers Panchayat, District Panchayat Fund, powers and duties Vice President of Zilla Panchayat, Standing Committees, Chief Executive Officer, powers and duties of the chief executive officer, functions, powers and Duties of the Chief Executive Officer and other officers, Chief Executives The right of the officer to request the records, etc.

10) Inspection and Supervision: – The power of inspection and supervision, technical Supervision and Inspection, Government and Chief Executive Officers Powers relating to Gram Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat, Power of Government to provide, District Panchayat and Taluk Panchayat Performing duties as Gram Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat or District default Inquiry into Panchayat, Gram Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat, District Affairs Panchayat by Govt.

11) Other: – Panchayat, Appeal, dissolution of Finance Commission, State Election Commission, District Planning Committee, State Panchayat Council

12) Special Rural Development Programs: 14th Finance Scheme, Village Swaraj, Village Development, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Planning, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Clean Bharat Campaign, National Rural Livelihood Mission, Dinayal Upadhyaya Grama Jyothi Scheme, Rajiv Gandhi youth spirit project.

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